Better Left Untouched

The containment facility Janitor finds themselves amidst the frantic fall of the laboratory. The janitor bolts for his safe janitor's closet and weeps until all the chaos subsides. But they know what they must do, escape with enough evidence to broadcast the reality of this treacherous situation! In an effort to avoid the indescribable horrors that lurk the halls, our valiant hero must grovel in the shadows. Navigating through the labyrinth; the player must balance standing in the light to maintain their sanity, and risk being seen by eldritch beasts. Additionally travel via the darkness causing you to spiral into insanity as means to avoid alerting the monsters of your whereabouts.

Note: If you die and the chase music continues even after you respawn, the way we know to fix it currently is to restart. Keep in mind this will probably reset your check points.

Created For the Cosmic Horror Jam III

Pools of Blood

Pools of Blood 

Hide (press 'E') in Pools of Blood to evade The Hunter - But avoid staying inside them too long as you will go insane.


The Creature can see your light, so make sure you turn it off when they are around.

Be careful keeping it off too long, as you need your flashlight on to keep your sanity high, this is a balancing act of turning it on and off.

Tips for How to Evade The Hunter

  • It cannot fit into tight spaces.
  • You can hide in Pools of blood to avoid being seen.
  • It can see your flashlight. So when its nearby or when exploring into dangerous territory, I recommend turning it off.



The lead Programmer, cooking up a large variety of systems into the game. Without him we would not have a game.


Composer and Sound Effect. Implementing all the sound into code and a tremendous help in organizing the development process as he has the most experience making games in teams.


The Lead Artist and level designer. Creating all the assets, illustration, animation and levels for the game. Cooking up all the strange creatures and locations in the game. (Some of the art can also be seen below under the Spoilers Section)


The Art Behind: Better Left Untouched

By Cazetron (Zachary Reeves)

The Hunter

The Hunter Concept Art

Death By the Hunter Animation:

Death from Insanity:

No Escape:

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